Our Story

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Namaste.  I’m Rich, founder of FRP.  If you’re a teacher or student interested in contacting FRP, feel free to hit me up.

If you are one of my current students, have you submitted yet to the current volume of Free Run Press?  Just saying…

If you are here because you are interested in my tastes, here goes: George Saunders, Frightened Rabbit, Radiohead, St. Vincent, Gaz Coombes, Sharon Olds, Glass Animals, Ray Carver, Yukinori Yagi, Banksy, Tim O’Brien, Marcel Duchamp, John Coltrane, Beck, Lana Del Rey, Wes Anderson, Jean-Michel Basquiat, The Beatles, Gary Novak, Sophia Coppola, Dave Eggers, Gerhardt Richter, Naomi Shihab Nye, Michael Pollan, and, of course, Vince Gilligan.  Despite recent years, Wilco is still, and will probably always be, on the list.

I write, play and compose music, create art, garden, read, cook, do yoga, and drink a lot of ginger tea.  Find me here on a Saturday.  My favorite type of cheese is humboldt fog.


My name is “Mott” and I am one of a select few members of FreeRun press. If I am not rock climbing, building fighting robots, or crying over my homework load, I am probably reading and writing. There are a lot of people out there like me, but very few read and write the weird stuff I do. I am, and always have been, a math nerd, but I now have a love for being a literature freak, too.

If you are looking for music that we each have in common listening to you checked the wrong bio. I like soul music from the 50’s and 60’s. Sam Cooke is a legend. Also Latino pop is way better than the standard. 103.1 puts b96 to shame. Maybe we could agree on some alt, a select few classic rock songs, some new tunes, or Stevie Wonder, but don’t feel bad if you don’t. In fact revel in your normality. I can’t talk music with very many people.
Yours truly


My name is “The Slav” and I am a full time professional slav, also a professional sailor, and semi-professional rally car driver. If you enjoy having squat sessions in public places with your го́пник friends then I am your guy. Rock songs from the 70’s, 80’s, and also hardbass is the very best music in all of the eastern block. If car has mechanical problem just call your nearest slav which is most likely me or man named вадити.


Hiya! My name is Mo and I’m one of the managing editors of FRP. I’m a huge bookworm and in desperate need of a bigger bookshelf (and more books). You can find me at home reading a book while sipping honey-lemon tea, playing video games ‘til daybreak, or binge watching YT videos/movies/tv. Favorite books would have to include Harry Potter, Leviathan Trilogy, The Maze Runner Series, and Tokyo Ghoul. I usually write about fantasy, sci-fi, life, or food in little broken excerpts. I’m also apart of Varsity Badminton and Chinese Club aside from FreeRun Press.

My music genre is a little different, I’d say, from everyone else. It ranges between mellow to EDM to punk rock and throwback all the way to jazzy Frank Sinatra. Throw in Asian music and that concludes my genres. Examples: Jaymes Young, Ed Sheeran, Frank Sinatra, Atom Chanagun, BIGBANG, or ONE OK ROCK. I’m down for music suggestions anytime!


Hello! My name is Alyssa! You can normally find me practicing my French Horn or watching my favorite movies or tv show. I love getting lost in the wonders of any good novel. I love being transported to Chicago with a street smart wizard who will do anything for his friends or going on underwater adventures where danger lurks at every turn.

My favorite type of music is movie soundtracks. I am a huge Star Trek fan and love any movie with great action and music. I also like to listen to classic rock and 80s music. I am open to talking about the latest super hero movie to discuss any hidden Easter eggs. I look forward to a fun year and all the tea! Live long and prosper!


Yo. My name is David and I’m one of the managing editors of FRP. If I’m not wasting my time mindlessly surfing the web then I’m probably writing terrifying short stories, trespassing on forest preserves and abandoned buildings, dragging my friends along to the movies, or scouring for some new music. I love the horror genre in general whether it be novels or cinema and as such I have a true respect for the gothic nature of authors such as H.P. Lovecraft or Edgar Allen Poe. Also, I have also put way too many hours into CS:GO. Seriously, someone please help me.

Ah music taste… where to begin. As someone who listens to a whole lot of different genres it’s hard to give you a real gist of my tastes but I’ll still try. Some of my favorite bands or artists would be: Deftones, Erra, Exotype, Basement, Every Time I Die, The Story So Far, Dance Gavin Dance, Night Lovell, Earthside, Polyphia, Celldweller, and OBESØN. While the selection is diverse it’s nearly all alternative or ‘heavy’ in some way so fair warning there’s a decent chance it isn’t your taste and that’s all right.


My best friends call my Ashcashswagdunk, but I often go by ashcash for short. I am an average joe staff member of the FRP. I have many hobbies, my number one hobby being baking. If you ever want cookies or muffins just give me a ring because I legitimately look for reasons to bake. However, be prepared because odds are your cookies will be gluten and dairy free (they still taste good. I swear!). Other than that, I love to sing, act, play piano, run, etc. I am definitely a science nerd, but my theater side brings out my love for literature as well. I love reading plays and monologues. I am also a sucker for the classic dystopian trilogy (no judging allowed). I am always down to write a good poem or story as well.

Music. I love music, and I love all different kinds of music, but I am 100% always behind on the popular music. I do like to listen to alternative stuff as well as acoustic covers, but I really love piano music and broadway show tunes as well. My favorite musicals are Waitress, Tuck Everlasting, and pretty much every other show out there.


Hi, there! I’m Jamie, your average FRP member, badger rights activist, glam rock superfan, and literary trivia maniac. When I’m not playing excruciatingly high notes on my piccolo, you can probably find me dancing in my kitchen, writing poetry, exploring the wonders of stereoscopic imaging, or reading a book behind my futon (I know that sounds weird, but if you saw the lighting there you’d understand). If you ever need someone to explain in painstaking detail Franz Kafka’s social anxiety, the unabridged history of the cut-up technique, Oscar Wilde’s infatuation with John Keats, or any other bookworm minutiae that I’ve committed to memory, then I’m your girl!

As my friends and family can attest, my relationship with literature is bordering on obsession. In fact, my Spotify has more live performances of poetry and short stories saved on it than actual songs, which is saying a lot because music is a huge part of my life, as well. Bands and artists that manage to mix intelligent or unconventional lyrics with flashy frontmen are my niche, so my music collection is a bit eccentric. Placebo, David Bowie, Iggy Pop, Queen, Brian Eno, Peter Murphy, and David J. Haskins fit this category pretty perfectly, but a few of them are admittedly an acquired taste. However, they are still worth giving a try, especially if you share my penchant for Romanticism and glitter!


Hello! My name is Emma and I’m your average Free Run Press member! If I don’t have my head in a book then I’m probably out running or kayaking, roaming around the library, watching a Studio Ghibli movie or working on a recently acquired hobby of mine – insect macro photography. It’s not as weird or gross as it seems.. I promise!

I’d like to think I have a pretty diverse taste in music, but I’ll let you be the judge of that. Some of my favorites artists include: Andrew Bird, Sufjan Stevens, Lucy Dacus, TLSP, Beach House, Tame Impala, MGMT, Glass Animals, The Dodos and Beirut.

(Webmaster’s note: C-Lark most definitely endorses this playlist).


¡Hola! I’m Eve. I’m English (I used hola to confuse you). I was born in London, near Twickenham stadium, and somehow I ended up here. In the US, as of August 2016. The transition has been fun, I mean don’t get me wrong there have been many challenges I’ve had to bypass. Like did you know Americans call trousers, pants? Or that they call football, soccer? And they spell favourite, ‘favorite’?

Yeah it’s a completely different language.

But anyhow, I love art. It makes up a major part of my life and it’s where I draw most of my inspiration from. And that’s pretty much it.


Hi, my name’s Camilla. I am a turtleneck enthusiast and an unapologetic music snob. (That’s a joke, by the way. Well, kind of–I use a cassette player; I suppose one could argue that is a hallmark of musical snobbery. Anyway, I’ve hyperlinked one of my painstakingly curated spotify playlists so you can decide for yourself.)

I drink iced coffee year-round; I am frequently spotted turning left out of Dunkin Donuts at 7:22 AM on school days. What can I say? Lateness plagues me. I blame NPR. My kitchen radio is perpetually tuned to it, and it kinda gets my political brain going, so in the morning I pair chocolate chip toaster waffles with healthy debate. But I will admit that the aforementioned “debate” is more often just my attempt to chew and soliloquize simultaneously. My parents, the reluctant audience, change the subject–sometimes by criticizing my generous support of the public library (in the form of obscene quantities of late fees, yes, but philanthropic nonetheless!)–and push me out the door mid-speech. This usually takes place well past the time I am supposed to leave. Hence why my coffee order sounds like a long inhalation followed by “mediumcoldbrewicedcoffeecreamonlyplease.” I’m running on a tight schedule.

On the occasion my hands are not covered in coffee-cup condensation, they’re probably saying, “twenty minutes of violin practice a week is more than enough.” Nevermind. I said that. But my hands did say, “We can’t speak, so please stop trying to use us as a vehicle to present your laziness in an endearing manner. Now, if you’ll kindly excuse us, we have business to attend to shortly–namely preparing to punish you for holding pencils incorrectly by cramping severely next time you attempt to write something. Farewell.”

To which I replied, “Your use of adverbs cheapens the impact of your rebuke. Nice try, though.”

“You gave us our voice, and therefore our conversational shortcomings. Looks like we win this time, Camilla. Check and mate.” At this, they high-fived. (Disclaimer: I don’t actually perceive my hands to speak aloud since that’s physically impossible.)

tl;dr In typical Camilla fashion, I revealed almost nothing about myself in that self-indulgent wall of text. You probably just saved yourself three minutes of reading.

(Webmaster’s note: C-Lark endorses this playlist).


Hi, my name is Lexi! I’m a layout editor on Free Run Press, amature French learner, Slytherin, and full time grammar critic. It’s very rare to find me not writing or reading; but when I’m not writing poetry or finishing the last few pages in the latest book I’m reading (just in case you were wondering, my record is 7 books in one summer, which clues you in on my social life) I’ll probably be practicing yoga or crying over the unfortunate and untimely death of (SPOILER ALERT) Sirius Black, who, in my opinion, is the best, most underrated character in the Harry Potter series. I have a weird interest in books that might make people uncomfortable, I just wrapped up The Shining, and I have bookmarked too many pages in my “Complete Writings of Edgar Allen Poe” collection.

As far as my music taste, I’m pretty much over my head obsessed with Red Hot Chili Peppers. To me, there are few who can do what they do better than them. I also have a really weird love of French rap, specifically Maître Gims (please look up J’me Tire, I promise it’ll change you). I’m also really into 70’s-80’s Rock, and I’ll pretty much listen to Christmas music as soon as it becomes November first. The Beastie Boys are pretty cool, and I am partial to Fleet Foxes. If you ever want someone to discuss the true meanings of “The Cask of Amontillado” and its implications about human nature, or cry over Harry Potter characters, then you’ve found the right girl!


Hi. My name is Anne, and I’m a cautious optimist. I write like I’m panning for gold: an infinite search for an almost insignificant reward. I pick adjectives sparingly and develop images carefully (to hell with adverbs, though). Writing is the love of my life, but Nutella is too, so…I’m not sure how much stock I can put into that claim. Also, my dog’s name is Sheldon Lebron James Big-Bite-Floppy-Soft-Ear Johnny Depp Plecki. I’m undefeated in Mario Kart and ping-pong. I make a killer New York Cheesecake.

I can’t listen to music by genre, and I can’t listen to an artist’s entire album in one go. I’m as picky with my music as I am with my writing, so I’ll list some specific songs. “Washed Away” by Eyes on the Shore or “Hush” by Magic City Hippies are my frequents. “Inside Out” by Spoon. “Send the Pain On” by Chrome Sparks. Please share music with me. I love music.


Hi, I’m Kaitlyn but I go by a multitude of names. I’m Kaitlyn, KD, Kait, say any variation of my name and I’ll likely respond. Reading is difficult, but I love to write. As a child I had begun writing my own novel (which since has left my possession), and I had found my niche in maths. Though I can’t do much more than write or solve an algebra problem, I make a killer Kraft mac and cheese. I tend to continue to work in foodservice, even though every time I get out I vow that I’d never go back (I end up going back). I’m one of those writers who can only create good writing when I’m sad, so if you don’t see anything from me in awhile, you know why. In my free time you’ll probably find me reading my favorite books in Spanish or watching Friends for the 100th time.

When it comes to music, I’m all over the board. Usually I listen to EDM/Hip Hop/Rap, but you can find me listening to classic rock, Alternative, or anything from Peanuts/Charlie Brown by the Vince Guaraldi Trio. If you’re looking for someone who’s also looking for herself, you’ve found the right person!


Hi, I’m Sarah! I’m the average FRP staff member. I am an avid reader and love to write! When I’m not reading or writing, I can be found running or hanging out with friends! I’m also a part of many clubs here at Hersey including: speech, DECA, student council, choir, and the baked potato club, of course. When it comes to music, I usually listen to alternative or soul music, but I can honestly listen to anything depending on my mood. So, if anyone has any suggestions hit me up!